--Mesh's JS/C Mix-- This pack is designed to be used with MCPatcher, it utilises over 4,000 CTM textures, none of which you will see without it installed. Not only that, but certain textures are designed specifically with this in mind and there will be bugs if you don't have it installed. Changelog... v1.65 Added Starvation for all Animals Added Block of Gold Ore Added Block of Iron Ore Added Planter With Soil Added Item: Bread Dough Added Item: Wicker Weaving Added Item: Wicker Pane Added Efficiency and Unbreaking enchants to Iron and Diamond hoes Altered Sharp Stone to reduce its size and better reflect a sharpened version of the Loose Stone item Altered Wheat slightly in various ways to smooth growth curve and clarify final stage v1.64 Added Wheat Added Block: Loose Stone Brick full block, stairs and slab, using old Stone Brick texture Added Block: Loose Nether Brick full block, stairs and slab Added Block: Lava Pillow Added the following Items: Stone Brick Wet Brick Uncooked Nether Brick Nether Brick Wheat Straw Wheat Seeds Added Animated Stone Brick Lava Overlay Added Animated Loose Cobblestone Lava Overlay Altered Block: Stone Brick, Stairs and Slabs to look newer and fuller Altered Item: Brick, to match the colour of fired brick Added CTM to Nether Brick Slabs and Stairs Added CTM to Loose Nether Brick Fixed Wicker Block and Slab Tweaked position of Clay Item to be more centred -Technical- Added the following blocks to the Biome colour tint list AND the Sand Colour tint list: Loose Stone Brick (ID 1070) Loose Stone Brick Slab (ID 1071) Loose Stone Brick Stairs (ID 1072) Loose Nether Brick (ID 1073) Loose Nether Brick Slab (ID 1074) Loose Nether Brick Stairs (ID 1075) New Wicker Block (ID 1082) New Wicker Slab (ID 1083) New Wicker Pane (ID 1084) v1.63 Added Redstone Clutches with gold surrounds Altered Gear Box and Redstone Clutch input faces Added buckets Added placed Chunk of Iron Ore Added placed Chunk of Gold Ore Altered Lightning Rod to appear Gold to reflect its new recipe Added Iron Spike Fixed Burnt out Crude Torch (It had reverted to Vanilla texture due to a bug fix implemented in v4.ABCFAFAFA) -Technical- Added the following blocks to the Biome colour tint list: Gear Box (ID 1065) v1.62 Altered the font to a more Ye Olde English style Added some Spanish characters (Ñ,á,é,í,ó,ú,ü,ñ,¿,¡) to the font, someone will have to let me know if this has worked... Added CTM to upper Stone Slab Altered Double Stone Slab to look like a whole block instead of two slabs Altered Oak Sub blocks (Sidings, Mouldings, Corners) (using Oak Planks from Conquest as a base) Altered Ender Specs (on the player model) to look cleaner v1.60 Added Chicken Feed Added Bone Fish Hook Added Unfinished Fish Hook Added Burnt Food Added CTM for Unfinished Fish Hook (Carving Progression) Added CTM for Charred Stumps Fixed CTM for incorrect orientation on certain Smouldering Logs v1.59 Added CTM to Netherrack Added StackSize CIT for Stone Item Altered Fire Enchant effect for both Iron and Diamond Armours Altered Stack Size CIT for Iron, Gold and Concentrated Hellfire Ingots to match Soulforged Steel and Diamond Ingots Fixed orientation of certain faces of the Chewed Log Stump Fixed inconsistency with Stone Pick durability as a result of changes made in v1.57 Altered the font to use lowercase instead of small caps, also sharpened and tidied it up somewhat v1.58 Added Piston Shovel Added CTM to Loose Cobblestone Fixed white pixels on Chunk of Iron/Gold ores Altered Chunk of Iron Ore; to look dirtier, to give more of a visual feel to the basic refining process Altered Pile of Iron Ore, for same reasons as above Fixed black pixels in Obsidian v1.57 (Unofficial Release) Added Pile of Clay Added Creeper Oyster Block & Slab (from Conquest) Added animated Crude Torches (Burning) Added visual enchantments for Stone Pickaxe (Efficiency & Unbreaking) Added GUI for the Anvil Added texture for Raw & Cooked Mystery Meat (from Conquest) Altered Raw Egg to further differentiate it from Fried Egg Altered Brick Oven Fuel to show the depletion of the fuel more clearly v1.56 Added animated Millstone Added Metal Fragment Added CTM for Hamper Added GUI for Hamper Added GUI for an unknown storage Improved Cured Meat Altered the Kiln cooking animation to appear to cook more uniformly, instead of just a single crack Altered Unfired Clay to match Unfired Pottery v1.55 - BTW 4.ABCEEEEE Added Bloodwood Planks (from Conquest) Added Bloodwood Double Slab (from Conquest) Added animated Smouldering Logs Added animated Smouldering Campfire Added CTM to Smouldering Logs (Does not show at night time) Added CTM for Snow Added CTM for Loose Snow and it's transitions to Snow Added CTM for Block of Flesh and Flesh Slab Added CTM aesthetic for Oak Double Slabs (Red Clothed table, Taken from Conquest and edited to fit) Added CTM aesthetic for Spruce Double Slabs (Wine Rack, Taken from Conquest and edited to fit) Added Cured Meat Added a rotten look to Carved Pumpkins Added "Open" Wicker Baskets Added Handle to the front of Wicker Baskets Reduced the size of the Fire Plough Tweaked Birch Log Stump Fixed CTM for Cobblestone Stairs when facing East and West Fixed CTM for Pumpkins (Broken due to pumpkin changes in a previous BTW patch) Fixed missing textures for Packed Earth in River biomes -Technical- Added the following blocks to the Biome colour tint list: All Bloodwood Plank Blocks and Sub Blocks (IDs 1007 1008 1009) Loose Dirt Slab (ID 1012) Loose Brick (ID 1019) Loose Brick Slab (ID 1020) Loose Brick Stairs (ID 1041) v1.53 - BTW 4.AAHHHHHHhhhhhh Added Smouldering Campfire Added CTM for Mycelium slab Added CTM for naturally occuring Clay Added Bone Club Tweaked the Wood Club to tidy it up slightly -Technical- Added the following blocks to the Biome colour tint list: Clay (Naturally Occuring)(ID 1038) Mycelium Slab (ID 1039) v1.52 Added animated fire to Brick Oven v1.51 - BTW v4.AACK Added Cooking Overlay for blocks placed in the Kiln Reverted CTM change of Brick so that it no longer uses connect=material (It messed with textures when placing ores in the Kiln) V1.50 - BTW v4.AABBBbbb Added the following items from the recent versions of BTW: Club, Bow Drill, Fire Plough, Stone, Sharp Stone, Pointy Stick, Iron Chisel, Knitted Wool, Knitting Needles, Wool Piece, Wicker Piece, Wicker Basket Pile of Iron Ore, Chunk of Iron Ore Pile of Gold Ore, Chunk of Gold Ore Loose Dirt, Loose Cobble (from Conquest) Loose Brick, Brick Oven Campfire, Campfire Spit, Crude Torches (Unlit, Lit, Burning, Burnt), Unlit Standard Torch Added "Chewed" Wood Added Work Stumps for each tree type, including Redwood Added Bone Block Slab Added Rotten Flesh Block Slab Added CTM to Loose Dirt Added CTM to Wicker Basket Added CTM to campfire dependant on the height of the flame. Added CTM to placed brick items Added CTM to the changing states of placed Raw Clay bricks to Cooked Bricks as they "dry out" Added CTM to Brick Oven Added gradual stone breaking transitions for all strat layers Removed Biome specific CTM for Cobweb (Spears and Icicles) as they are now a more integrated item Removed Cooking Overlay, nothing now shows for the kiln cooking progress. This is a temporary problem that should be fixed in the next BTW version Fixed missing textures from Melon tops Fixed missing textures from Brick Fixed problem with Kiln not showing CTM for the Brick (texture switched out to default when active) Fixed problem with shafts not showing correctly when placed sideways Altered Potion Recipe Art to reflect changes to potions (Brimstone to Soul Flux) Altered CTM of Dormant Soulforge by removing the Jewels, so it's now plain Gold Added CTM to Soulforge to use the original texture from the Dormant Soulforge -Technical- Altered CTM of Brick to use connect=material option (for consistency with fired Kiln) Added the following blocks to the Biome colour tint list Loose Dirt(ID 1011) Rough Stone (ID 1027) Loose Cobble Block (ID 1021) Loose Cobble Slab (ID 1022) Stump Workbench (ID 1030) Active Kiln Block (ID 219) Added support for Jorge's Miscellaneous 1.0 Orientation Sickness (http://www.sargunster.com/btwforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9361) v1.47 - BTW v4.A5 Pronged Poking Updated villager trading User Interface Added textures for the following new features: Block of Bone Block of Flesh Full Furnace Dormant Soulforge Placed Shaft Infused Skull Added CTM to Block of Flesh Added CTM to Block of Bone Added CTM to Dormant Soulforge v1.46 Adjusted Fire Enchant on Iron and Diamond Armours to be less pink and girly, because fire is for men Fixed a problem where the Diamond Sword Unbreaking enchant was not showing Fixed a problem where Armour enchants over level 3 weren't showing on the armour Fixed a problem with the Battle Axe where the Looting enchant was replacing the appearence of the Smite enchant when both were applied together Removed the redundant purple haze effect on enchanted items, potions and soul urns now that almost all main weapons and armour have graphical effects. v1.45 - The Post-End update Added graphical enchant effects to all Steel Weapons and Tools - Video example: (https://www.facebook.com/MeshsCorner/videos/1465788530153712/) Added graphical enchant effects to all Iron weapons and Tools, at all durabilities Added graphical enchant effects to Stone Axes and Shovels, at all durabilities Added graphical enchant effects to Diamond and Iron armour when worn: Fire shows as a flame paint job on the armour Blast shows as leather padding (similar to bomb disposal clothing) Projectile shows as "Magic" Golden Chain Mail Added Enchant Icons to all Armours to show their respective enchants at a glance: A shield for Protection An Arrow for Projectile Protection A small flame for Fire Protection A small fiery explosion for Blast Protection A bubble for Respiration A Red-Yellow-Green bar for Aqua Affinity (to represent speed increase) A feather for Feather Falling Altered Knockback enchant appearence to show a blue edge on the weapon and blue tinted guard feature (the old graphic was too similar to Unbreaking design) Added CTM to Sidings, Mouldings and Corners for Brick Added CTM to Sidings, Mouldings and Corners for Stone Brick Added CTM to the tops of Mossy Stonebrick so that they match the grass in all biomes Altered Wolves so that they look more disheveled when starving and/or angry Altered User Interface textures of the Anvil, Block Dispenser and Pulley to match the other UI designs Altered Hibachi to have a stone-like structure as opposed to metal. The recipe originally involved iron, and was changed to stone a long time ago, hence the appearance of metal in the original texture. Altered the Steel and Stone pressure plates to remove the patterns in the centre Altered all Detector Rails to make it clear what they're made of, and to correctly reflect their respective recipes (Wood, Stone, Soul Steel) Altered Refined Tools so that their handles match the Haft used to craft them Altered Platform to make it look more solid, to facilitate its use as a gate Altered Large and Small Chests to give the appearance that they have contents when opened, instead of just looking empty Altered all Planters to make the top borders of the plantpot more detailed and elegant. Oh so elegant. Altered Unfertilised Planter, so that the soil better matches that of the Fertilised Planter Altered Grass Planter and made the grass more detailed Altered the Gold Shovel to have the appearence of a Golden Scepter to match the "Kingly" Gold Armour Adjusted Damaged Iron Armour Icons so that they match the sharpness of the undamaged versions (they looked a little too blurry) Adjusted Internal Enchanter texture to reflect the latest recipe (Removed diamond from the side and added blue corners) Adjusted Infernal Enchanter UI slightly to highlight the level of the enchant to be applied Adjusted the hue of Chiselled Stone Brick so that it matches other Stone Brick blocks Removed some reflections on Potion bottles so that their contents are clearer Corrected a problem with errant pixels occuring in Diamond and Steel Ingots Optimised filesize of textures in the "misc" and "item" folders Fixed Jukebox top so that the texture of the disc spinning only appears when a disc is inserted Fixed missing textures from the new Groth introduced in v1.35 Brightened the Nether ambient lighting slightly v1.40 Added extra textures for the following items dependent on their stack size: Diamond Ingot Diamond (Gem) Concentrated Hellfire Ingot Soulforged Steel Ingot Paper Altered Birch Leaves to match the plains biome, so that they are uniform throughout all biomes Altered Birch Leaves colours in certain biomes: Swamp Birch now have leaves instead of dead branches, and are a muddy brown colour Desert Birch now have leaves instead of dead branches, and they look nice and dry, almost Desert-like Forest Birch now looks more green, to fit with the theme of the Forest having a Summery climate Extreme Hills Birch are now more Autumn coloured, instead of just plain red. (The particles that appear when breaking leaves in this biome are greyscale, this is a side effect of using multiple leaf colours in the one leaf texture and there is nothing I can do about this) Altered Oak Leaf colour in Desert biomes so that it looks more dry Altered Bloodwood trees so that they appear as Cherry Blossom trees in all overworld biomes (Requires my BloodwoodBeauty mod, otherwise the leaves will still be blood red) Altered Stone Column to match the Pedestals Altered White Cobble to be less white Altered White Stone so that it has a stone brick look to it (This texture may change in the future, I haven't quite made my mind up on this yet) Reverted bark colour of Birch Log in Desert and Swamp biomes back to white Corrected a problem with Mossy Cobble and Birch Leaves not showing the correct textures in parts of Extreme Hills Biome Tweaked Brick CIT textures for 2 and 3 bricks, so that the bricks appear to stack more intuitively Tweaked Mail, to remove bright pixels introduced as a side effect of the optimisations in v1.30 Tweaked Birch Log Trunk, to be more noticeable (It was a tad too subtle compared to the other Trunks) v1.36 Added Mossy cobble top CTM textures for the following missing biomes: Desert Extreme Hills Ice Plains/Hills Plains River Altered the first two growth phases of potatoes to reduce the brightness of the leaves, to match the other phases. Altered baited fishing rod texture so it's easier to see whether or not it's baited when the durability bar is visible Altered Iron Axe edge to be less harsh, to bring it in line with other iron tools/weapons Altered the Texture Pack Icon v1.35 Added extra textures for the following items dependent on their stack size: Wheat Seeds Melon Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Hemp Seeds Brick Nether Quartz Altered Nether Groth texture to look like a mutated, hellish form of Mycelium (original texture was just a placeholder) Altered Gold Weapons and Tools to have wooden handles (They still use wood in the recipe) Altered Potato growth textures to differentiate them from Carrots. (Fully grown texture is unchanged) Altered Brewing Stand UI slightly, tweaked the green progress arrow Tweaked Egg stack size textures as the piles of eggs were slightly deformed Tweaked Emerald stack size textures to have a more uniform/organised look Tweaked Magma Cube texture to reduce white lines (Mipmap problems) v1.34 Added Tree Stump textures (also including Redwood Trees) Added Stump Remover texture v1.33 Implemented a workaround which effectively fixes the tileability problems of the Jungle/Swamp Vines Altered Packed Earth so that it connects with Dirt, to make it look more organic Reverted changes to Packed Earth sides so that they no longer appear as solid grass v1.32 Fixed a problem with Sandstone Stairs and Sandstone Half Slabs brick texture not matching the rest of the Sandstone v1.31 Reverted Jungle Logs and leaves in the River biome from Redwood back to the originals (Rivers flow through Jungle quite often) v1.30 Optimised filesize of all Items, Blocks, GUI and Mob textures. (Reduced the filesize of the pack by 30% with no quality loss) Altered Grass Colour, Sky Colour, Fog Colour and Water Colour of multiple biomes to make them more diverse Altered Jungle Log and leaf texture so when using them in any biome other than Jungle, they take the style of Redwood Trees Altered Leaf texture of the Birch trees dependant on biome Altered Packed Earth Texture so that plain Grass appears on the sides Altered the texture on windmill sails to include more detail (Stitching, rips, struts, etc) Altered Raw and Cooked Kebab textures Altered Stem texture for Pumpkins and Melons Altered Masked Butcher texture so that his hands look more bloody Altered Iron Fence Icon (It looks strange in the hand but it reduces the mipmap artifacts when using vertical chains) Altered Lever icon texture, by adding a base. Altered Wicker and Grate textures to better reflect their uses in hopper filtering. Also improved aesthetics for using as windows Altered Hemp Icon to reduce the bright outline Altered Iron Ingot stackSize textures so that they look like organised stacks, rather than loose piles Added Gold Ingot stackSize textures Added extra textures for potatoes (Raw and Boiled) and carrots (Raw and Cooked) dependant on their stack size Added more Flower Pot textures Added two, more menacing, textures for Squids Tweaked the Flowers in the Plains Biome so that the green is less pronounced and more "dry" looking Tweaked Tanned Leather Armour Icons to better reflect the Armour design Tweaked Jungle Spider to look more Jungley Tweaked the fire texture on the Diamond Sword Enchant to be more yellow Tweaked Frozen Creeper so when it's snipped, the texture hue doesn't change Tweaked the Bat Wing texture and made it smaller Fixed some of the artifacts that appeared around the Diamond Sword when enchanted with mipmaps enabled Fixed an incorrectly coloured texture in the Packed Earth Path Removed translucent pixels from Ladders, allowing them to render correctly in the Nether Removed translucent pixels from the Fire and Torch textures Added extra letters to the font, é, ë and ê. Tweaked Egg textures to look less pixelated around their edges v1.28 Added Animated fire for the Diamond Sword Fire Aspect enchant Added CTM for Melons and Pumpkins Added extra textures for the following items dependent on their stack size: Arrows Rotten Arrows Feather Iron Ingot Wheat Egg Blaze Rod Emerald Shaft Altered Packed Earth so that it tiles better when making straight roads Altered Grass in the Jungle so it looks more tropical Fixed the grass colour on the side of Grass Slabs in the Swamp v1.27 Fixed problem with Bloodwood leaves not colouring correctly (This fixes the white leaves problem) v1.26 Altered the Diamond Sword Fire Enchant to look less like it had been dipped in cheese Bloodwood trees in the Overworld now appear as either Cherry Blossom (Forests) or Autumn Trees (Other Biomes)* *Will only work with my BloodwoodBeauty mod v1.25 Altered Diamond Sword Looting enchant Altered Diamond Sword Knockback enchant Added Efficiency and Unbreaking enchants to Diamond tools Added CTM for Cobble Wall and Mossy Cobble Wall Added Frozen Creeper texture to Ice Biomes Added Stone fence texture Added Stone Brick fence texture Added Nether Brick fence texture Added CTM to workbench texture (from Conquest) Altered Bloodwood Sapling Altered Brick Slab side to tile better with its top texture Added more contents to barrels Changed clock back to default (Caused vines to flicker) Fixed Gold Block animations, also staggered them v1.24 Added visible durability to stone tools (Shovel, Axe, Pickaxe) Added visible durability to the remainder of the Iron Tools (Shears, Iron Hoe, Flint & Steel) v1.23 Added missing Candle Wick texture (fcBlockCandleWick) Added missing Ore/Stone textures for the second and third stratification layers. (This fixes the strat ore textures if you aren't using MCPatcher, but I would highly recommend you use it anyway as this texture pack makes heavy use of custom textures and items) v1.22 Fixed various textures which had translucent pixels and therefore had strange effects as a result of MCPatcher v5 - Gold Ingot - Raw Egg - Fried Egg - Padding v1.21 Added Plains grass colour and foliage colour to Nether Added CTM Packed Earth texture to Nether v1.2 *Added MCPatcher v5 compatibility* Added visible durability to all Iron tools, Iron weapons and Iron armour to give visible effect to durability loss Added enchantments to the Diamond Sword Added CTM to Packed Earth for the following biomes: Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Desert, Snow Forest, Ice Plains Added CTM to Jungle Sidings, Mouldings and Corners Added Jungle and Birch Siding textures to their respective Double Half Slabs to form whole block equivalents Added Jungle Pedestals and Column textures Added CTM "Runes" to double sandstone slab Added black Slate Roofing texture to double black stone half slabs Added knots to Oak logs Switched Oak Log Rings CTM texture to be on Spruce Logs instead Added CTM to Lillypads Added Magma Cube texture Altered Infernal Enchanter UI Altered Wither Skull Icon and block to better reflect the look of the mob itself Altered Fuse texture to better reflect its recipe Altered Poached Egg texture to look more like an actual poached egg and less like a pale recolour of the Fried Egg Altered selection box on UI Hotbar to make it more fancy Altered Strat 1 Stone in Jungle biomes to be more Jungley Altered Awkward Potion texture to be different from Water Bottle Altered Fire Resistance Potion to make it look more fiery Altered Potion Recipe Picture to reflect new Fire Res texture Altered Gold blocks to include horizontal CTM Altered Brick texture to include vertical CTM Added variety of contents to barrels, (CTM top) Added CTM to Mycelium Altered packed earth texture for half slab to match full block when holding block in hand Altered Ore Icons for consistency with the current Smooth Stone texture Removed Translucent "Sheen" texture from Glass due to a bug which prevented rainfall from showing Reverted Vine Trap back to alpha mapped version v1.12 Changed bottom of decorative sandstone blocks to match the tops Adjusted Stone Brick textures to appear more uniform... less half brick looking v1.02 - v1.11 Totally neglected to update changelog because back then I was too cool for school. v1.01 Removed defective Transparent pixels from following items: Concentrated Hellfire Bar Trip Wire Hook Golden Dung Added Biome specific mossy cobble: (Swamp, Jungle, Forest, Taiga) ----- v1.0 Initial Release